community concerns


“We know the housing crisis in Colorado is a supply-and-demand challenge, and collectively as a community we can protect the integrity of Fort Collins' neighborhoods and generate the housing stock we need. As a city organization, we should look at our regulations and policies that are driving up housing costs so that we can work together to streamline our development process. Next, we must adopt a Land Use Code that allows for best practices to balance the community's desires regarding growth and the need for more diverse housing stock.”



“Between the costs of housing, groceries, and energy, I understand and relate to individuals and families who struggle to stay afloat and pay bills. In addition to working on the city’s housing challenges, I care about keeping our community affordable, and I work to ensure we as a city organization are not imposing more burdensome fees, taxes, and regulations on our citizens and are using taxpayer money wisely - for the benefit of all, while keeping our community economically stable.”  



“I believe the city is taking a very proactive approach by supporting the work of the Fort Collins Rescue Mission, funding the HOPE Team and the emergency shelter, and conducting camp clean-ups. The city has also been a convener in coordinating agencies to work together in a more efficient and streamlined manner. Personally, I have been advocating with our church community to help with the Safe Parking initiative, as well as interacting with our unhoused population by walking and riding the streets with Outreach Fort Collins, the HOPE Team, and the Mental Health Team. Moving forward, we need to ensure we are balancing the needs of our unhoused population with the needs of our community to be able to live and do business unimpeded. Compassion and community progress go hand in hand when we are able to achieve this balance.”  



“I support the Transportation Master plan, the Active Modes plan, and our Vision Zero plan that was recently adopted by this council. Specifically, I support making sure these plans are all working together and are streamlined for efficiency and cost. As I’ve knocked on doors throughout the campaign, I’ve found that residents want to know that safety measures for neighborhoods are in place and that roads provide adequate space for both cars and other modes of transportation. While I support our transit initiatives, we must not lose sight of taking care of our infrastructure and ensuring our roads and intersections remain safe for everyone.” 


Support for Shirley

“Shirley Peel has consistently demonstrated her commitment to Fort Collins District 4 through her pragmatic leadership, advocating for improved infrastructure and fostering strong community relationships. Her dedication to service, coupled with her ability to drive tangible results in areas like public transportation, road safety, and the city budget, makes her the ideal representative for the district.”

-Richard Casey, Fort Collins resident

“I believe the qualities that make Shirley the best candidate for City Council are that she is a woman of integrity, she listens to the needs of her constituents, and she seeks ways to solve problems. Shirley doesn’t seek the office so she can be somebody. She seeks the office so she can do something for the people she represents.”

-Les Brittingham, Fort Collins resident

“Shirley Peel serves as a voice of reason on City Council. Her approach to governance and budgeting is balanced, and she maintains a realistic viewpoint. A good listener, Shirley articulates her perspective and reasoning for her decisive votes clearly. Moreover, she comprehends business intricacies and recognizes the economic standards crucial for the community’s survival.”

-Ray Martinez, former Mayor and Councilmember, Fort Collins

“In my experience working with Councilwoman Peel, I have found her to be attentive and thorough when engaging with the public. Despite many students living outside her district, she still takes time to listen to concerns of all community members. She provides a unique and necessary perspective on issues presented to City Council, and I am proud to support her re-election.”

-Nick DeSalvo, Student Body President, Colorado State University